Grup Seyran - Bes E -2009 Full Album

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Click the image to open in full size.

Grub Seyran - 01 - Bes e -02- Hasan Vural.mp3
Grub Seyran - 03 - Ci Bibinim.mp3
Grub Seyran - 04 - Kera Yare.mp3
Grub Seyran - 05 - Adam Olda Gel -06- Ne Hati.mp3
Grub Seyran - 07 - Le Yar.mp3
Grub Seyran - 08 - Way Zalim -09- Dile.mp3
Grub Seyran - 10 - (Potpuri)
10- Elbistan
11- Naze
12- Ali Çu
13- Gunde We
14- Diho Lexe.mp3


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